Gary lambert passes

While Gary never spent time at our camps, he loved the river and the valley every bit as much as all of us did.  He was the man that made so many reunions at the Shawnee Inn come together for us.  He was one of a kind.  Garry you WILL be missed.[0]=AZX3pKBwfI3NtDI6tl6QJkp18gTDvnyL-JYbHCZSY6-6wls_Ko5iufF8JK1Jc7WITRhQDcVFtfagn4MHpn5Hocoh0xAMamP6799uium3nxr_g0LOk5iLCMhiR_EfsTc0H2tjYK4V4y7b2KqAOgKL-Ljf-PRaNbHtd0EojRuHw4wOxs-vZlxHJr5DXaWGDQi5AUE&__tn__=EH-R

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