Camp Miller

Camp Miller
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  • Ok Dave lets see if I can help out a little, it's been a long time but I remember some of the campers. My brother Bob is in the 1st row on the left with the number 12 shirt on, 6 kids to the right of him is Teddy Barnes, Teddy's brother is in the pic too but I can't recall his name. I am in the second row second from the left,3 kids to my right is Clifford Michele next to him is a boy named Chip, the two kids to his right with the peace signs are Leon Benson and Philip Rivers, next to Philip is a boy name Ricardo but I don't remember his last name. In the 4th row there is a big kid with a striped shirt wearing a hat and I believe that is the infamous Marshmello and to his right I think is Teddy Barnes brother. I'll look at the pic some more and see if I can jog my memory.
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