Charlie & Don Pasewark (c)1963

Camp Miller Waterfront "Buddy-Board"
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  • Ah, it all comes back to me now. You have a great memory for this stuff. I either killed too many brain cells along the way, or tried to stuff too much in my head over the years.
  • Remember it well... tags w/1 red stripe were Beginners; tags w/2 black stripes were Intermediate; tags w/ 1red & 1black stripe were Advanced Intermediate; and tags w/red&black interlaced stripes (aka: tic-tac-toe) were Advanced Swimmers... and the only kids who could go out to the furthest raft in the river's current. Also, JC's had to pass the Red Cross Advanced Swimmer Rating to be eligible for the Jr. Lifesaving classes. (Passed mine in '66: Pete Folen & Jim Hoveland were my instructors.)
  • The tags were color coded for swimming level. Anyone remember the code. I think it was a combination or a red line and a black line.
  • Ahhh., buddy tags....blow the whistle, stop swimming, grab your buddies hand and hold it in the air!
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