Pioneer Unit 1964

Pioneer Unit 1964
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  • Some corrections and additions.

    This picture must have been from the first month of the summer. Where is Tom Churchill?

    Back row - from the left- Chief Essex, 5th Bill Roberts 8th Paul Nikias last Chief Bennett

    Front row- 10th from left Jim Wescoe 14th Jon Schwenzer 15th Denny Dimmig

  • Great photo! Blast from the past!

    OK... testing the memory banks... after all it's only 46 years ago!

    back row: from left: 2nd Steve Schreiner - 5th Dave Messinger (?) - 7th Bob Kellner (?) - 11th Jim Hoveland - 16th Pete Smith

    front row: from left: 2nd Pete Folen - 5th Charlie Pasewark - 8th John Dempsey - 9th Charles (Corky) Shain - 11th Craig Wagner - 12th David Stephens - 13th Greg Smith - 15th George Truckenmiller (?) . . .

    Know anyone else? Add 'em in.
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