Staff 1967

First Row: Bill Snover, Tom Churchill, Jon Schwenzer, Dennis Dimmig, Fred Larsen, John Siegfried, Ernie, Schreiner, Mike Koch, Jack Roymore, Jim Hoveland, John Hunsicker, Duncan Caldwell, Skip Launsbach, Jim Wescoe Second Row: Alan Wells, John Strehle, Pete Folen, Mike Folen, Joe Scholtes, Ray Jorlett, Paul Nikias, Alan Traher, Eric Johansen,x,Bob Kelner, Ray Neveil, Bill Roberts, Dave Messinger, Don Atkiss, Brad Smith, Dave Stephens, X, X Third Row:x, John Dempsey, Bob Weychert, Pete Merscher, Tom Orso, Luther Bealer, John Eberly, Greg Smith,x, Pete Smith, Mark Seagraves, Doug Schuetz, Jay Eickhoff, Glen Pennypacker, x, Don Remmey
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  • Second row second person John P.Strehle (my brother) He was a CIT that year.
  • Was it Luther Beiler or something along those lines? He was a counselor in the Unit with Stan Cope and Terry Newhard in 69 or 70 as I remember.
  • Can you edit what I wrote? I remember John, just forgot his name. No, Luther was called Lou, but I forget his las name.
  • Just after Jim Hoveland is (Rev) John Hunsicker, 7th from left center row is Paul Nichomas (sp)?, Was Luther, Stan Luther?
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