An open community for all people that were touched by the River Camps - Camp Hagan, Camp Miller, & Camp Ministerium.
The Wayside Exhibit project is now complete after 10 plus years from its inception. Looking forward to dedicating it in September of 2021. Many thanks for the efforts of Marty Davis, Rod Goodwin, Gay Moceri, and Harold Dambly. Also, a big thank you to the folks that donated to the cause. The list of donations is as follows:
Lori Stevens - $100
Susan Maxwell - $100
Donna Cook - $1,000
Robert Jochen - $250
Mary & Arrien Westhuis - $100
Charles Matchett - $200
Susan Holloway Pollock - $100
David Necker - $100
Bob Edge - $200
Barbara Huffman de Belon-$100
Laurence Clark - $30
Hans Raum - $50
Drew Miller - $100
Jane Bealer Luddy - $150
Molly Levan (and a long list of family from the camps) - $100
Mike Folen - $200
Alice Roy - $50
Janet Brooks - $50
Lynn Giles - $10
Nancy Renninger Albright - $50
Camp Miller Alums - $2,083
How can I thank you all!
The Exhibit can be found on the McDade Trail just upstream from Smithfield Beach.
Just a little quick recognition of the generous former campers and staff that have been kind enough to help support the website. Many thanks to those on this list for your help!
Gregg Hartman
Andrew Stauffer Jerri Hutt-Kuntz
Pat Coffey
Susan Nelson Elliot
Marigold & Arrrien Westhuis
Kathy Watson
Susan Davit Maxwell
Diane Feeser
Stephen Schreiner
Barbara Huffman de Belon
Harold Dambly
Karen Maier Clee
Nancy Renninger Albright
Tom Jay
Lynn Giles
Richard Ferrara
Karen Weaver
Laurence E. Clark III
Frederick Larsen
Susan Davit Maxwell
Todd Struse
Doug Fry
Blake Marles
Bob Edge
Kevin Kelly
Dick Grote
Diane Cooke
Gay Staudenmaier Moceri
Millicent Newmiller (Mel Wynn)
Susan Davit Maxwell
John Sofranko
Briana Kramer
Molly LeVan
Linda Ramsey
Doug Fry
Robert Jochen
In Memory of - Dr. Charles Goldsmith
Pat Ritter
Bradley A Matthews
John Siegfried - $500!
Keep those posts coming,