Marty Conboy wakes up on a raft

I need some help here.  I remember bits of a funny story where Marty Conboy (a heavy sleeper) was moved in her bunk during the night to a raft in the river without waking her.  I remember the basics, but wasn't involved in the prank.  Who has a good memory for this story?  Please share.

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  • Hi Lynn!!!   Oh, I'm sorry you won't be at the reunion!!!  So good to 'hear' from you!!  One of my MOST favorite counselors!
    Lynn Valenteen-Marzoni said:

    I have another story on Marty.  After an overachieving day in the water to pass 2 or 3 tests, she collapsed into the water.  The clown that she was----we thought she was playing around.  After floating face down waaaaay too long we realized she was passed out.  All came to the rescue and Marty is well and safe today.  She is probably still overachieving at whatever she is doing.

    Lynn Valenteen--her senior 8 counselor and waterfront director

  • !  Do tell.  I was in Marty's cabin off and on over the years and we were CITs together in 1971. I don't remember doing this to her, or hearing the stories. Very funny though!   Lexie Spencer

  • I think I remember Marty being moved out in the area. I also remember multiple people coming back from days or weekends off to find their bunk set up on one of the outer waterfront docks.
  • I remember this event with Marty quite well.  It was famous around camp at the time.  Didn't someone also just move her out to the field in front of the Hagan cabins once as well? - Earl Forte 
  • I have another story on Marty.  After an overachieving day in the water to pass 2 or 3 tests, she collapsed into the water.  The clown that she was----we thought she was playing around.  After floating face down waaaaay too long we realized she was passed out.  All came to the rescue and Marty is well and safe today.  She is probably still overachieving at whatever she is doing.

    Lynn Valenteen--her senior 8 counselor and waterfront director

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