

Columbus, Ohio

Which Camp?

Miller, Miller-Hagan

Camper Years? (19__ to 19__)


A little background for the last 35+ years?

Attorney, political consultant, law school professor in Central Ohio. More at www.CommunicationsCounsel.com Married Lori (from Lower Moreland) in 1991. Lived and worked in DC for several years then moved to Ohio in 1995. Our two kids (Jamieson and Robbie) now go to Bear Creek Camp and love it in the same way I loved Miller-Hagan.

Favorite Camp memory?

Canoe trips from Narrowsburg. Float trips to Minni. Building the Miller Unit Tower. FTF. Ferry duty. The Glen. Really too many to mention.

How did you find the site / who referred you?

Probably Daveil. Don't we all owe a lot to Daveil?

Current Hometown?

Columbus, Ohio

Hometown during your Camp years?

Abington, PA

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  • Hey Mark.


    Likewise, good to reconnect here... Good days, huh?  Hope you're doing well  there in Ohio.  Brad

  • Mark,

    Wonderful to hear from you. Those were glorious summers.  You can see what I have been up to if you visit my Facebook page.  Trust you are well and life is unfolding with blessings upon blessings.


  • Hi Mark: nice to see that you have found this site. It's been a long time.. remember the group? we had a (tom)miller, a (mark)weaver a (greg)taylor and a (lenny)shoemaker. i hope to hear from you...


  • Weave-mate - it's about time you joined us. I hope you have some good photos to add to the pool. Dave Veil
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