



Sarasota, FL


December 20

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  • RIP Roy.

  • RIP Roy.

  • Happy Birthday Roy!

  • Happy Birthday Roy!

  • Yea, Roy,

    They were some great years - and some great adventure trips. I remember them all with great fondness.The kids that went on those trips were really special. I think of them often. And I still miss Jim . He was a very special friend. My son now runs my business "Adventure Sports", and I still enjoy the River. Every time I canoe past the old Camp Miller waterfront and see the old wall still there, it make me think of all the laughter and smiles that used to be there.
  • Roy,

    I hope all is well with you. I have a pair of pileated woodpeckers working on the remnants of a very big snapped-off tulip poplar tree in my back yard. All of my neighbors would have cut the snag down as soon as the upper two thirds had snapped off in the wind storm years ago. Now I get a ringside seat to the action.
    Why doesn't Joe Schultes ever come to the reunions? In fact, why isn't he on this site? If you keep in touch with him please let him know about it or give him my e-mail daveil@fast.net. It's going to be close to 90 degrees tomorrow and we had a hard frost watch earlier in the week. Go figure. Dave
  • Wow! that sounds like a wonderful place. I have to walk 1/4 mile to our beach on the Severn River. We do have lots of animals/fish/crabs around .
  • Roy,

    I hope all is well in Florida. I've had lots of great birding action in my back yard recently. A pair of red shouldered hawks have been gleaning the mice, snakes and small squirrels from my woods. On Thursday I had a pair of pileated woodpeckers ripping apart a rotten log by my neighbor's woodpile.

  • Hello, PG! It's been a few years since driving with you in one of your MGBs to Reading. I still remember that trip. It was a blast. I hope all is well for you. Do you still own "B's"? I am living in Maryland with my wife Jenny and a son in college and daughter in 11th grade - phew, where do the years go---
    God's peace be with you.
    Ed Lambert
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