Massanutten, VA
August 21
Which Camp?
Camper Years? (19__ to 19__)
In the 70s
A little background for the last 35+ years?
I have 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. I live in the Shenandoah Valley of VA with my second husband. I am in Human Resources and was in HR at a camp, of all places (Camp Horizons) where my youngest attended for 3 years. My Miller-Hagan years were some of my fondest memories. I went there because my father (who recently passed away) went to Camp Miller in the 30s!
Favorite Camp memory?
Tubing down the Delaware river singing "In The Still Of The Night." All the friends I made and the counselors who were so great, especially to a teenage girl! LOVED the CIT songs in the dining hall..."Aye, yay, yay-yay....we are the counselors in training...we love Miller-Hagan we love it we doooo, cause we are the CITS of 72!"
How did you find the site / who referred you?
Found the Facebook page first
Current Hometown?
Harrisonburg, VA
Hometown during your Camp years?
Hamburg, PA
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Happy Birthday, Susan!
Happy Birthday, Susan!
Happy Birthday, Susan!
Happy Birthday Susan!
Happy Birthday Susan!
Happy Birthday Tigger!
Happy Birthday Susan!