Fort Myers, FL
September 14
Which Camp?
Miller, Miller-Hagan
Camper Years? (19__ to 19__)
1967 to 1977
A little background for the last 35+ years?
I got a dual BS degree in Forest Products & Civil Engineering from Penn State. Currently own a 7 person structural engineering firm in FL and design lots of buildings. Still do surfing, hiking, camping and rock climbing(limited locations to climb). My wife, Mary, and I try to swim laps each weekend. We do yoga weekly and I've recently started karate from a 70 year old friend who is a 3rd degree black belt. Mary and I have attended many classes over the past years in tracking, survival, and wilderness awareness with Tom Brown Jr's Tracker School in the pine barrens of NJ.
Favorite Camp memory?
It's hard to summarize a favorite camp memory. I think the activities associated with the river are lodged most deeply in my memory. I loved to canoe, float, swim against the current, and snorkel as a member of Dave Veil's club the Wharf Rats! It was a fun camp with lots of support and guidance from the counselors and other staff members.
How did you find the site / who referred you?
The site was refered to me by Dave Veil
Current Hometown?
Fort Myers, FL
Hometown during your Camp years?
Glenside, PA
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Howdy Rob. We were definitely cabin/unit mates at Miller-Hagan. Good to see you. - Rod
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Happy Birthday Bob!