Rod Goodwin updated their profile photo
Jun 25, 2023
Rod Goodwin updated their profile photo
Jun 25, 2023
Rod Goodwin posted a status
Hi all - Been a little while since I checked-in here. Hope all is well with everyone. I did hike up to The Glen (Van Campens Glen) & Sunfish Pond last fall (2022). Both locations were beautiful in mid-October on a weekday. I'll Post some photos. - R
Jun 25, 2023
Rod Goodwin posted a status
Anybody in Shawnee for canoeing this weekend?
Sep 9, 2021

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  • Hi Rod! Just a note of thanks and appreciation for the many hours of research and design that you put forth for the Wayside display project. The opportunity to create a permanent legacy that reflects those special times means so very much. Your involvement was critical to the development of this project! Thank you for sharing your time and talent!

    Anne Dando Oldfield

  • Hello Rod.  Thanks for the note about The Glen.  I was only nine years old when I went to the last year of M-H and my memories of The Glen are like a dream.  I am always amazed at how that year has stuck with me.  When I did go back (around 1990) I recognized most of the terrain on the west shore, but when we went over to the other side I was not able to find my way there.  I would LOVE to go back there this summer and take my girls to swim and play there.  Does anyone have a simple map that shows where everything was, including The Glen?

  • Hi Rod. I got your message but here I am responding a year and a half later. You are so correct about there not being a whole lot of people from our time period at camp. It's kind of a shame considering the great feelings I have about attending camp. You are however someone I recognize. We were probably involved in some things together at camp but I believe you were a year ahead of me. My first year was '69 - so the last two years of Miller. Tom Witten was my counselor both of those years, and if I recall correctly, cabins Jr. 2 and 7, and the last session of each of those years. I went on to all of the years of Miller-Hagan. I was tapped for FTF in I believe the last official tapping ceremony, before they turned it into some kind of club the following year. I'd love to see some kind of documentation from those years from whoever was keeping track of everything. I just got a chance to look at your photos and can especially relate to the photo of the boys at cabin 3 in '69. I was probably getting my photo taken at cabin 2 just before that. I also love the shot at the glen - great memories. I remember guys taking those head first dives - perhaps I was there for yours. Anyway, you've inspired me to dig out a few photos and post them. Thanks for reaching out to me, and perhaps some others will come out of the woodwork in the near future. I hope to keep the conversation going. Frank Hall - known mostly by my nickname "Jody" back in those days.

  • Hello Rod,

         I was impressed with how sharp and detailed the group photo from 1949 was.  None of the staff were familiar faces to me except for the camp director.  I'm not included in the group photo because I attended camp July 2 16 in 1949 and I think the group photos were usually taken towards the end of the season.  Nonetheless, it was a treat to see the photo and it brought back some wonderful memories and an appreciation of  how fortunate I was to attend Camp Miller for 7-8 seasons.

  • Hello Rod,

         Your father's name isn't familiar to me, but I might recognize his face if I saw a picture of him. I checked my 1949 Camp Miller Memory Book and your father is listed as living at 1028 Park Ave, Collingswood, NJ and he attended Collingswood High School.  He was on the aquatics staff at Camp Miller.

         I'm sorry I don't have any additional information.

    Hans Raum

    2663 West Street

    Cornwall, VT 05753

  • Hi Rod! I have some photos you may enjoy of our good old carefree camp days. I just have to get them scanned. Write me at so we can catch up. Thanks for reaching out!
  • Rod, we have an annual old staff reunion for all of the Lutheran camps - Miller, Hagan, Ministerium, Miller-Hagan and Bear Creek the weekend after Labor Day. It's kicked off with a canoe trip from Bushkill to Smithfield Beach which takes us by all three of the river camp sites. The rest of the weekend's reunion activities are at Bear Creek near Wilkes Barre. Hopefully you and Tad can join us next year.

  • Rod, welcome to the site. I still have a photo of you and Speedy diving off of a cliff a few hundred yards below the waterfall area at the glen. I hope you enjoy the photos on the site.

  • Tad, welcome to the site! I was under the impression that you were working and living in CT. Spoke to a classmate and neighbor of ours from Cherry Valley this past spring. What have you doing over the past 35 years? Rich ( Big John) James has done a great on the site. Please share you memories of your time on the river.

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