Wayside Exhibit Location

This is the place to express your concerns or support for locating the Camps Wayside Exhibit at the top of the old Camp Miller waterfront stairs.  If you don't think this location is appropriate, then what would you suggest?

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  • Hi all... I'm working on a personal statement for a training course exercise on "Why We Do Interpretation," for our interpretive wayside exhibit project. It's pretty interesting. I thought I'd share my thoughts with you and invite your feedback. See below: 

    "I've personally had very moving and significant life experiences in connection with a particular natural resource in what is now a national recreation area. Not long ago this area looked very different. A community including myself and many others still exists that remembers the way this area in general, and this specific site in particular, was the physical and symbolic place of youthful formative experience and engagement with our cohorts in shared experiences in the out-of-doors, in this natural and beautiful setting. Collectively I think we would all agree this area influenced our lives deeply and significantly. Our mission is to inform present day visitors of the areas significance to our diminishing community, and to highlight the worthiness of it’s preservation." - Rod G.

  • 3343671439?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Hi Bob. Good to see you last summer at the reunion.

    Sorry it's taken me over a year to respond to this, but it occurs to me that a good location for some sort of small plaque might be in/on the very discreet location of the Hagan waterfront crows nest foundation. As of a few years ago the huge concrete block was still visible at/near the waterline and I don't think it's going anywhere for a while! It's a tough location to access... Just a thought. Too obscure? Obviously this would be an "unofficial" installation and require some stealthy tactics. - Rod G.

  • Thanks Rod for the NPS link. I can better understand the lengthy process that the team has been involved with over many months. I can see why the exhibit location is so restricted. Does anything prevent us with placing our own marker on NPS land such as a bronze plaque? See you at the reunion.
  • Hi all;

    The National Park Service has very specific criteria for the development of Wayside Exhibits. Planning & designing for this type of exhibit is quite involved. If you’d like to learn more about NPS requirements and constraints please look over the Wayside Exhibit Guide at the link below.


    Thanks – Rod G.

  • Just FYI.  It took two plus years to get the approval to have ANY kind of marker.  We were rejected by the Superintendent once, and the Wayside Exhibit idea was offered by Carla Beasley of the NPS as a way to acknowledge the role of summer camps in the park.  We are limited in what we can do based on their rules.  This exhibit cannot be just anything we want it to be. 

    I don't think we have a good shot at a second exhibit, but I will happily pass the project off if someone wants to take that on.  We can certainly find a neutral location for the exhibit, but it will be hard to match the NPS's requirement that the Exhibit "interpret" the area it is located in.  The basic concept for the Exhibit is to detail some of the history of all 3 camps.  I broached this subject now, because the text on the Exhibit (as well as everything else) has to be approved by the NPS.  The ultimate location will certainly affect the final text.

    Please keep in mind that we are dealing with the Federal Government.  They are doing their best to be helpful, but it is a bureaucracy.

  • I appreciate the effort to protect Hagan's altar from vandalism; the space is sacred to us.  It would be nice to have something at Hagan-perhaps at the entrance.

  • Rich, I would rather see a more central location to all three camps. Is the curve at Mini completely out of the running? Not sure how much signage is permitted at any one location. My other thought on location is where River Road splits off toward the road to the camp sites. Not sure if there is adequate pull off space there to view. I still wish we could reach a compromise on the McDade Trail location. It still speaks to the history of the area, even if you are not exactly on the true location.  I'll review some photos later today for consideration. Thanks, Anne    PS  I don't feel as though we must resolve this by the June reunion...if it takes more time to get it right, so be it.

  • I agree with Doug since it sounds like the NPS has already decided where the marker can't go.  I would like to see two markers located at both Hagan and Ministerium. One at the Hagan Alter and the other at a location selected by Ministerium alumnus.  A nice bronze marker with some info about the camps and maybe a reference to the NPS official marker. See how much support you would get from both Camps and I would be glad to donate to the cause.  r, Bob Edge -  Miller 1956-1966

  • Rich, would it be too much, at this point, to try to do TWO markers - one for Miller and one for Hagan?  I understand the concern for "exposing" the alter site at Hagan, but maybe another spot could be used for their marker.  It may take more $$, but if I was a Hagan alumnus (no comments!) I would want a marker of some type at that location.  I know I have a check for more $$  that is supposed to go toward the marker that is in USPS lost and found somewhere.  Otherwise, the riverfront is the best spot for the Miller marker.  

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